Making Music in 2016
Welp, this feels like it.... the end of a career that never really started. You begin to wonder if your aspirations are pointless and your hopes and dreams slowly slips into an abyss of complete nothingness...with your instrument beside you, you are alone.
Because music is doing well
Often people will say things like "They don't make 'em like they used to..." or "back when the songs meant something..." but what those people don't do is dig into the underground of new music and try to find something you have to look for.
So many bands are out there right now in the hustle, playing as many gigs as they can get and putting out tracks with their own money, but why isn't it paying off? Because we aren't looking into the music hard enough, we let the same big name artists hog all the attention while thousands of little guys put in the most that they can for a taste of their hero's success.
So what do we do about it?
Go out and support the scene yourself! Don't ask people to come out to your shows but not do the same for them, be a fan and get the rest of the crowd engaged. Sometimes the only thing holding a crowd back from really enjoying the show is the fact that no one else is active. Be the person grooving to every song and provide the energy you want your crowd to have when you are on stage. If you want local music to gain recognition it can only happen from the ground up, so go out and play your part as the support as well.
Understanding the importance of Production and Promotion in Music today:
Well, its no shock that the recording quality of music has gone way up since its beginning. We have gone from one take to record the whole song without any sort of editing to entire albums being recorded with computers and digital effects. With these changes came new possibilities for both the artist and the business industry of music. Regardless of what it is that's selling, music labels will sell it, because why not?
What this also brings us is a higher standard for music recording quality. While other factors are obviously important, a recording is only as good as it is produced. If the greatest musicians in the world all came together and wrote a magnum opus for all of mankind but then recorded it with a Rockband mic, it probably wouldn't go very far.
The Internet has changed everything, music is no exception. Anyone can go and record a track and post in on a site that anyone with a computer can reach. The industry is tightly held by big labels and record companies who can let the whole world know when an artist drops mew music. While this may decide what is and is not mainstream music it does not completely kill the scene.
Musicians who really want to make money off of their work need to understand that less and less people actually are paying for their music. Even big names like Chance The Rapper and Mac Miller put out free music simply to reach a bigger audience and hopefully get better turnouts at shows. So take note of this tactic and think less of making an album that will make you all your money and instead make the music a hook to attract people to events that raise you money and then selling merch at these shows.

So don't give up!
The music industry is tough to crack into but don't give up because its not easy. Keep showing up and be ready for conflicts because no one got to the top without a struggle and all the time you spend waiting for your chance can be time spent mastering your craft. This way when you do get your moment to shine you will have the artillery to make your dream happen.